Delicious Indonesian Culinary : Tempe

Raw tempe
 Tempe is one of many famous and delicious Indonesian foods. Tempe is ORIGINAL food from Indonesia. Tempe is made from the fermentation of soy beans or some other ingredients that use some kind of fungus Rhizopus, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifer (bread mold), or Rh. arrhizus. Tempe is white and shaped like block. It’s wrapped by banana leaves or plastic.

Mendoan or fried tempe
         Tempe is a high-protein food. Tempe is usually fried or stir-fried with other ingredients. Tempe is so tasty and appetizing. Now, tempe is such an expensive food in other countries, but in Indonesia you can get it only IDR 2000/block. If you come to Indonesia, don’t forget to taste fried tempe, a fried tempe is only costed IDR 1000.
Mendoan or fried tempe
One of my favorite food! Kering tempe or tempe cooked with soysauce
         That's all about tempe, and don't forget to visit my country : INDONESIA :D


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